Christmas is 'the most wonderful time of the year' but let's ensure we keep it safe for our furry family members.
Here is a helpful guide to Hazardous Foods to be aware of all year round - Not just for Christmas Peeps!
We have to ensure that things that could cause harm are kept well out of reach of temptation. I know my two are terrible food monsters!
Children's stockings can be full of wonder. Chocolate advent calendars, Christmas cake and pudding, mince pies, mixed salted nuts, crisps, stollen and tins of chocolates are just a few to mention.
These are family favourites at this time of year but could seriously harm - or even be fatal to - your dog.
Leftover turkey and scraps from the table for your Dogs Christmas Dinner - a real treat for them but ensure you have checked and double-checked for the items below.
High salt gravy,
small bones that are hidden within the meat,
onion in the stuffing
These are all things to watch out for.
Many individuals are unaware that a portion of some food types that we consume on a daily basis can be seriously dangerous to your pooch.
A small piece of chocolate can cause seizures, coma and death.
Anything containing caffeine can have a similar effect and be as dangerous as chocolate, this includes coffee grounds, tea, and tea bags.
Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure.
Even a single small portion of raisins can kill your dog.
High salt intake can also cause kidney problems. No more sharing those crisps peeps!
Onions can destroy red blood cells and cause anaemia.
And tomatoes can cause tremors and heart arrhythmias. Tomato plants on their own are particularly toxic to dogs.
Avocados are also highly toxic and can cause problems in breathing and fluid accumulation around the abdomen, chest and heart.
When giving your dog bones ensure that they are raw as cooked bones can splinter and damage their internal organs.
Fatty foods can cause pancreatitis, so keeping their consumption to a minimum is advisable.
Fried foods also fall into this category and are not good for the health of your dog.
Nuts, such as Macadamia nuts and walnuts can cause weakness and muscle tremors.
Peanut butter however is generally okay but make sure it is salt and sugar-free, as sugar can encourage cancer growth.
Apple cores and pits of fruit's like peaches and cherries contain cyanide, which is poisonous to dogs and can kill them within 24-hours without warning.
If unsure, don't feed it to your dog.
It's never worth the risk of losing your treasured friend and family member.
With all this in mind, hopefully, this will be a good aid for you over this festive period...
We wish you a Very Happy Christmas and New Year!
All the very best
